activation.zone generates a polygon which roughly represents the SOTA Activation Zone for a given summit. Users can either input the SOTA Reference or manually input the latitude, longitude, and altitude of the summit.
Source Code:GitHub - AZ Web Front EndGitHub - AZ API Back EndGitHub - AZ iPython Notebook (for prototyping)Disclaimers: (1) This is
NOT an official tool and is not blessed by the SOTA organization. It's just an amateur app.
(2) This tool is meant to help activators visualize the AZ in a 'quick look' sort of way. For more accurate results, either use the Google Earth
Flood Tool or a topography map program like
(3) This app is in beta and may be buggy. Results may not be accurate, but we will work to improve it over time.
(4) This app may be a little slow, but as more folks use it, the back end will build a cache of the DEM data and will respond faster over time.
(5) We are not legally responsible for the use of this app. Do not trespass onto restricted property.